
Romantic Elopement in Paris (with vows at the Eiffel Tower)

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We’re sharing with you the most romantic Paris elopement.

You may already know that We’re Big Fans of Paris. No amount of cliches and sappy films or throngs of tourists can remove its crown as The Most Magical Place to be Loved-Up in the World.

It was the ideal place for Brazilian Joab and Michelle to hold their (very!) intimate wedding. It was the perfect place for Brazilian couple Joab & Michelle to have their (very!)

The couple’s wedding was as stylish as expected, with the Eiffel Tower cake topper, Chanel perfume, and Laduree macarons.

Giane Liam is a talented, fine-art film photographer.

We think Joab & Michelle’s celebration could be the final push you need to make the decision.

Read more about this couple’s wedding day from the photographer Giane Liam.

The Photographer

The elopement occurred in October last year at the Saint James Paris Hotel in Paris and The American Church.

Joab and Michelle, both Brazilians, came to France to get married.

They decided to elope because they were world travelers. Michelle’s sister and mother were the only guests, and they were both very supportive.

Fernanda Silvi of Wedding Luxe planned this elopement. She took care of the details.

A traveller, blogger and my own photograph expert, I love to share my experiences and stories on various interests. Know what you should be aware of before travelling, at how to stay at camp and other cool facts at DJ Approved.

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