
7 key ways to zero in on the perfect portrait photography location

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Even though one may have a great deal of experience with clicking all sorts of pictures across the board, choosing an excellent portrait photography location is most certainly not as easy as one may think. Any photographer or photography expert and enthusiast will certainly tell you the fact that picking a good location is one of the most important aspects of photography

This is primarily because picking an ideal location will lead to a much more smoother decision-making process and all of the related aspects such as what lighting to use as well as what clothes to wear and the best poses for the shoot. Whether you are dealing with a photography studio in Birmingham owned by Dean Mitchell Photography or any other studio, this is a fact.

Here are the top seven ways to find a great location for portrait photography:-

  • It needs to be a meaningful location: Choosing a convenient location is easy. But that does not automatically mean that it will be the best location. You need to keep the subject in mind plus their respective hobbies and likes. Only then will you be able to tastefully incorporate those influences to create more meaningful photography on the whole.

  • The aspect of natural lighting: This is pretty much a no-brainer for most professional photographers out there. Diffused natural light is the best option in most cases. However, you will need to remember that direct sunlight would end up producing extremely harsh shadows. Ideally, try to find a brightly lit area with mild shade for the best photographic results.

  • Be sure to lead in lines: This will ensure that your photographs have a certain level of depth as well as create a three-dimensional effect. Plus they will also lead you towards your subject at hand. You could use a path or any kind of fence or naturally occurring line that draws everyone’s eyes into the model.

  • Remember to set up a shelter nearby: No matter where you are, there is always the slight chance that sudden weather conditions could ruin your shoot. Hence, as a smart precautionary measure, be sure to have a small shelter nearby.

  • A quiet place: This is a must. After all, noisy places will be full of people which will ensure that the photoshoot remains a thankless job. It can be extremely trying to have to constantly wait for people to move out of your frame. A quiet place will ensure that you can go about every aspect of your photoshoot completely undisturbed.

  • Rough and tantalising textures: Although this may come as a surprise to many, but something as simple as the rough texture of a wooden door can work to make your subject stand out more than ever. The key fact is to play around with textures as much as possible. That way, there will be more interesting options for you to explore.

  • Geometric shapes: We have a natural affinity towards defined shapes in general. This is precisely why certain geometric shapes can go a long way in making a photo stand out from the pack.

At the end of the day, it is up to you to try and be as creative as possible. The days of shooting in a simple studio with a plain background are slowing fading away. Not only has that scenario been done to death a million times over, but there it can also turn out to be quite expensive as well.

So the next time you decide to photograph someone, do keep these tips in mind and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the results. All in all, it is bound to take some time and thought so do remember to be patient. You can be sure that rushing things is certainly not going to help in any way.


A traveller, blogger and my own photograph expert, I love to share my experiences and stories on various interests. Know what you should be aware of before travelling, at how to stay at camp and other cool facts at DJ Approved.

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