
Nerd Alert! Star Wars Weddings: 13 Chic Ideas

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We love all things wedding geekery, from computer game references to film quotes or comic book favors.We were inspired to think about other wedding geekery when we watched Nancy & Tony’s movie Marriage film (the celebrant announced their marriage with a lightsaber).

Star Wars ideas were a Comic Con convention worth of ideas.

Couples are still enthused about Leia and Han-style weddings, even though the new addition to the Star Wars series is coming next year.

You know that we are all about class.

Check out these ideas for a Star Wars wedding that is still chic. From cake toppers to paper goods and even a Darth Vader in full suit and boots, you can find inspiration here.

A chic Gibson roll that has added volume to the sides is a stylish nod to Princess Leia’s signature hairstyle.

Fancy Dress Party

It’s easy to make a reference to Leia in a dress that you love if you look for some similar traits.

Simple column dress with a high collar, long sleeves, and perhaps flared sleeves.

Choose two of the three options to get just the right amount of Leia without looking overly costumed.

Storm Trooper Topper

A cake topper can be a great way to add some personality to a wedding without being overly gimmicky.

You can make your own Star Wars statement by adding mini Hans and Leias and Mr & Mrs. R2-D2 in anything from Legos to peg dolls.

May 4th

There are many ways to incorporate Star Wars into your Save the Dates or invitations. From the iconic credits sequence to the words of Joda, you’ll find a variety of creative ideas.

Look for ideas on sites such as Etsy and Pinterest. Your guests will love these options.

Table Manners

Why not give your tables Star Wars names? Tatooine would be a great name, as would Kamino and Mustafar. You can also rename the bridal party so that they match the original cast.

Why not challenge your guests to a quiz on your favorite film?

You can have tables play “who said that” or choose some quotes for your photobooth. Star Wars has many iconic one-liners.

Bow-Bi Wan

You don’t really want to replace your tuxedo with some chest hairs, a waistcoat, and a killer belt. (Why not?) If you want to add a little something extra to your wedding outfit, then why not choose a starry dickie?

We’re not fans of novelty ties, especially when it comes to weddings. These numbers are sweet, discrete, and even a bit kooky.

This couple has pulled off a look that we never thought possible.

If you decide to go with a Star Wars wedding theme but feel that you’ve lost your way among all the Storm Troopers jokes and Chewbacca references, then bring it back to earth by using elegant white linens as well as an abundance of flowers.

Tatooine is a place where flowers grow, right?

Vader’s Favor

These bags are adorable! You can find stylish Star Wars accessories at your wedding without them looking tacky.

For pretty pop art, you can look at Not On The Highstreet or Etsy.

You may have been adamant that you would not attend a Star Wars-themed wedding. However, your partner might be stubborn.

It’s possible to add some personality to formal accessories by adding cute details like boutonnieres and cufflinks.

Yoda’s not just the smartest guy in Star Wars; he is one of the most intelligent men in all movies.

Use his unique style to direct guests to your wedding with whimsy.

Mini Hans and Leia costume is perfect for the child star of your wedding.

Purists don’t like the young Anakin, so any references to the three original films will help settle any arguments on the wedding day!

Why use sparklers when a galaxy from a long, distant past can be your send-off?

We’d like to know about any movie-themed weddings you may have had.

A traveller, blogger and my own photograph expert, I love to share my experiences and stories on various interests. Know what you should be aware of before travelling, at how to stay at camp and other cool facts at DJ Approved.

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