
5 top tips for hiring a wedding mandap

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Here’s the thing – for a large majority of people out there, wedding is the most important as well as an auspicious day of their lives. There are no two ways about that, really. Which is exactly why most people are prepared to do anything in order to make sure that their special day is as perfect as possible. Then again, planning a wedding in its entirety takes several months since there are so many factors to consider plus one need time to organise each aspect as well.

Having said that, the mandap is one of the most important aspects of any wedding. Hence, it also boils down to hiring the perfect wedding mandap supplier that fits all of your needs across the board. However, you need to keep in mind that it is certainly not as easy as most people think. A lot of people out there gravitate towards the very first mandap hire service that they can get their hands one. This can turn out to be quite the foolish decision.

On that note, let us take a long and good look at some of the main tips to keep in mind while looking for the best mandap service:-

The aspect of availability: This is pretty much the first thing that you should be doing when looking for a mandap supplier. If you book too late, then it is more than likely that the mandap service is already booked on the day you want them.

Not to mention the fact that if you have chosen to get married on an auspicious day, the issue of mandap availability arises since there will be a considerable number of weddings happening on that day. Hence, make sure that you check on mandap availability as soon as possible.

Referrals: It is more than likely that your friends and family not only know a renowned mandap supplier in their region, but also the specific kind of mandap that you would want. This is precisely why referrals are a great way to find out which mandap supplier is best suited to your needs and likes.

Reviews: There will be enough mandap services out there with their own website. Once you visit their websites, be sure to check on the types of mandap arrangements that they provide as well as customers reviews and testimonials. There are some companies who may also provide you with Indian wedding DJs. All of that will give you a comprehensive idea of what the service is all about and how efficient they are.

Mandap design: Unfortunately, a lot of people fail to realise the importance of this particular aspect. You will certainly need to have a mental picture of the mandap so that when you hire the right service for the job, you can tell them exactly what you want.

Additionally, you will also need to tell them the size and style of mandap that you prefer. This can only be done once you have a proper idea of the number of guests that you will be expecting at the wedding as well as the overall size of the venue. After all, you need to ensure that things do not get too stuffy for your guests.

Budget: Let’s not mince words about this – weddings are exorbitantly expensive decoration. It is as simple as that. While forming an overall budget, keep the price of mandaps in mind and remember that you will certainly be able to get hold of a trusted service if you know the market prices and how much to pay.

Finally, you need to realise and understand that merely keeping the above points in mind is not enough. You also need to ensure that you do your homework thoroughly and not settle for a mediocre or amateur service simply because you are running out of time and the wedding is in a few days. If anything, that will make things even worse than they already are.

Since this is the most happening and important day of your life, it is up to you to make sure that everything is in place and running on time so that there are no sudden disruptions during your special day. Take out the necessary time and make sure that you not only look at online reviews, but also word-of-mouth recommendations from friends and family as well.


A traveller, blogger and my own photograph expert, I love to share my experiences and stories on various interests. Know what you should be aware of before travelling, at how to stay at camp and other cool facts at DJ Approved.

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