
Great Ideas for Small Weddings

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Understandably, you might be disappointed and let down by the uncertainty of planning a big, extravagant wedding for your whole life. Let me tell you, and your wedding day might not be the one you envisioned. But what if it was better than that? Let me talk about how you can downsize your wedding to make it an adventure. You’ll be able to look back 30 years later and say, “Damn! That was an amazing experience!”

Your guest list. You will need to trim it, no matter what. Your comfort level will determine how much you trim. Are you happy with 5-10 people or just you and your family? You have more options if you invite fewer people. It is possible to hold a wedding ceremony in locations where 100 guests would not be able to attend. You can have a hot-air balloon or a wedding package to hold 12 people. Can you see the direction we are going? There are many possibilities.

The adventure is what you should focus on, not the wedding. 

This is a common mistake made by couples who dream up an intimate adventure wedding. They focus on the wedding first and the experience last. This is something I strongly discourage. Couples often think that a helicopter ride or horseback ride is the best adventure they can have. But with a dress and tuxed? How do we make that happen logistically? We’ll stick to a nice place or something.” First and foremost, think about your “best” kind of adventure. No matter your relationship status, think of your wedding day as one that represents you two. Your wedding day should reflect your relationship. There are many ways to incorporate wedding attire into any adventure. Are you interested in horseback riding adventures? It’s possible. Helicopter? It’s easy. How easy is it to hike to a chalet in the backcountry? 100% doable. Off-road jeep tour? Yes.

Get deep into your identity. 

This does not include activities. But we will start there. Consider what you are passionate about or what you would like to do. What is it that ignites the fire within you? What makes you feel adrenaline-pumped, such as parasailing or helicopter rides? Does it involve animals like horseback riding or a camel trekking through Morocco? Is it more tranquil, such as walking through redwoods and then having a picnic? Are you open to new experiences or prefer to spend a day enjoying things you already love?

A more important question, and perhaps even more important, is: How do YOU want to feel on your wedding day? 

It’s not enough to say happy, carefree or relaxed. Look up other options in your dictionary. These words don’t need to be common adjectives such as “wild” and “adventurous,” for example. These words can be used to describe what you see or feel. Some sample words to get you started: Untamed…Free-spirited… Laughter-filled… Organic…Exhilarating… Quaint…Emotive Rocky…Mountainous… Paradise…New…Luxurious This word exercise will also help reveal what backdrop and location best fit your vision. Many beautiful locations in the United States will suit your vision, despite constantly changing travel restrictions. What are you waiting for, then? This is your chance to create an adventure. Use that backdrop to make your commitment to each other. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a simple courthouse ceremony. With your partner, it can be the beginning of many amazing adventures.

A traveller, blogger and my own photograph expert, I love to share my experiences and stories on various interests. Know what you should be aware of before travelling, at how to stay at camp and other cool facts at DJ Approved.

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