You can find a variety of bridal shower and hen-do game ideas at UK stag party experts Chillisauce events to help plan your perfect party.
Here’s a collection of fun, classic, and unique wedding shower games.
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Top 10 Hen Do/Bridal Shower Games
We all know that every hen and Bridal Shower needs a few fun games. We’ve put together a list of the top 10 games for either event.
You’ll have a great time if you choose the right one for your group. You’ll also be remembered as a great host.
Check out these awesome games for bridal showers on Etsy!
You could also record the groom’s response to the questions and use that as proof. The more tech-savvy can even do a Skype or Google Hangout with him to see how he reacts to the answers from the bride!
Questions to ask: Where did you meet? What is your favorite body part? What would they save in a burning building (other than you)? What is their worst habit? What’s their favorite book/film? What was the most embarrassing thing to happen to them in their life? What is their favorite sexual position?
The scavenger hunt can be as x-rated or as mild as you like, depending on your bride’s personality.
You can also include a business card or phone number of a stranger, a piece of lemon, or a fake tattoo (insert your favorite funny animal). A flavored condom, a stranger’s business card/phone number, a lemon, or faking… [insert funny animal here] (have whoever you are draw one for you! May the best team triumph!
Dress up the bride.
What would the fun of a hen party be if you didn’t dress up & get a little ridiculous? Divide the girls up into groups and give them an assortment of garbs to put on the bride. Think glitter, lays, signs, necklaces, veils, gloves, feathers, etc. Take lots of photos!
Post it Note Memory Game.
Give everyone a pen and a post-it note. Write down the sweet, funny, drunken, or embarrassing memories each lady has of the bride.
After everyone has finished, post the notes one by one on the wall or table so that the bride can read them. She has to guess the author and tell the story as she reads the notes.
Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Challenge
It’s a lot of fun and THE bridal shower game!
Divide into teams and give out a lot of toilet paper. The bride is the person who is in charge of the team. The goal of the game is to make a wedding dress from toilet paper.
This task can be completed in ten minutes by the teams. After the ten-minute time limit is over, have each bride show off her dress, and then one team member will discuss what inspired them.
The bride-to-be then chooses her favorite dress from the bunch. Take lots of pictures!